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Amazon Prime Day has become one of the biggest online shopping events of the year, providing a great opportunity for sellers to boost their sales and reach millions of potential customers. Although Amazon hasn’t officially released the Amazon Prime Day 2023 dates yet, this big retail event usually falls right in the middle of July. As a seller, it’s crucial to properly prepare your inventory to take full advantage of this highly anticipated shopping extravaganza. In this article, we will guide you through the process of prepping your inventory for Amazon Prime Day.


1. Evaluate Your Inventory Levels:

Begin by assessing your current inventory levels to determine if you have enough stock to meet the potential surge in demand during Prime Day. Analyze your sales data from previous years to get an idea of the volume you can expect. If necessary, consider increasing your inventory levels to ensure you don’t run out of stock during this crucial period.

2. Identify Best-Selling Products:

Review your sales history and identify your top-performing products. These are the items that have consistently sold well and generated positive customer feedback. Focus on replenishing and promoting these products to maximize your sales potential during Prime Day.

3. Optimise Product Listings:

Take the time to optimize your product listings to ensure they are compelling and keyword-rich. Research popular keywords and incorporate them naturally into your titles, bullet points, descriptions, and backend search terms. Use high-quality images and persuasive product descriptions to entice customers and improve conversion rates.

4. Enhance Your Inventory Visibility:

To increase your chances of being discovered by shoppers, consider leveraging Amazon’s advertising tools. Sponsored Product Ads, Sponsored Brands, and Sponsored Display Ads can help boost your product’s visibility and drive traffic to your listings. Set up targeted campaigns well in advance of Prime Day to give your inventory the exposure it needs.

5. Offer Competitive Pricing:

During Prime Day, competition among sellers is fierce. To stand out, consider offering competitive pricing on your products. Research your competitors’ pricing strategies and set your prices strategically to attract bargain-hunting customers. Keep in mind that lowering your prices should be balanced with maintaining healthy profit margins.

6. Take Advantage of FBA:

Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) can be a game-changer during Prime Day. Utilizing FBA ensures that your products are eligible for Prime shipping, which is highly valued by Amazon Prime members. Prepare your inventory well in advance, ensuring that you have enough stock available at Amazon fulfillment centers to meet the increased demand.

7. Plan Lightning Deals and Coupons:

Lightning Deals and Coupons are powerful promotional tools on Amazon. Participating in these programs can significantly increase the visibility and sales of your products. Take the time to plan and schedule your Lightning Deals and Coupons to coincide with Prime Day. Make sure you consider the cost implications and impact on profit margins when setting up these promotions.

8. Optimise Inventory Storage

As Prime Day approaches, it’s crucial to optimize your inventory storage to ensure smooth operations. Monitor your inventory levels regularly and manage replenishments efficiently. Avoid any potential stockouts by staying on top of your inventory and working closely with your suppliers or manufacturers.

9. Prepare for increased Customer Service:

With increased sales volume during Prime Day, it’s important to be prepared for an influx of customer inquiries and potential issues. Ensure that your customer service team is well-trained and ready to handle any questions or concerns that may arise. Promptly respond to customer messages and provide excellent support to maintain positive customer experiences.

10. Leverage Social Media and Email Marketing:

Use your social media channels and email marketing to generate buzz and drive traffic to your Amazon listings during Prime Day. Create engaging posts and emails to promote your exclusive Prime Day deals and discounts. Consider offering special incentives, such as early access for loyal customers or limited-time promotions, to create a sense of urgency.

11. Retarget Consumers:

Retarget Consumers using Sponsored Display and Amazon DSP.There were probably a lot of consumers who looked at your stuff during Prime Day but made no purchases. You can use Sponsored Products Display and Amazon DSP to efficiently retarget these shoppers, especially if you are continuing to run promos on those particular ASINs.

12. Maintain the Prime Day Momentum:

Don’t leave a void after Prime Day rush: think about how to maintain the interest for your brand and your amazon presence.

By following these tips and properly prepping your inventory for Amazon Prime Day, you’ll be in a prime position to maximize your sales and take advantage of this incredible online shopping event. Remember to plan ahead, optimize your listings, utilize advertising tools, and provide exceptional customer service to ensure a successful Prime Day for your business. 

Najad Menouar is the Founder of Sonemos Media, an independent agency dedicated to Amazon Marketing, Ecommerce, Advertising and sales.